Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Apple AAPL news roundup

Both actually. AAPL is the most loved stock amongst investors, while RIMM is one of the most hated. On a consumer level the outrage amongst actual Iphone keyboard BlackBerry users was minimal, while consumer tech websites comments were extremely negative. It was like a BlackBerry killed their dog. When people become more reliant upon these services, I don't expect negativity to remain in check. However, it may say something about users, if the stereotypes are true. If RIMM BlackBerry users are mostly business professionals, an outage affects their ability to work. If AAPL iPhone users are mostly consumers, then an outage might not even be noticed.

Even weirder on the BlackBerry outage is that I had intermittent e-mail over two days, and did not experience the full outage. I was traveling and had my MacBook Pro with me at the time, so I didn't miss any e-mails. If I compare e-mail through BlackBerry to e-mail through my carrier, Sprint, the BlackBerry service has been quite good. I also own a Ducati, which technically is not as good as some Japanese motorcycles, yet I have been very willing to put up with any issues due to the experience. If there is a lesson in any of this, RIMM needs to learn that the user experience is the key to future success.

the marketplace will decide, right or wrong how Leather Case For Ipad successful a product is, to some talking head from Barclay's Bank. Ben Reitzes must be able to see the future and as such, he must also make hundreds of millions of dollars per week with such a knowledge to preduct the future. The Microsoft cell phone cases wholesale suppliers Surface looks beautiful and appears to be a full blown powerful computer with the mobility of the iPad. It is works as well as the demo videos I have seen, this new Surface could not only replce my computer, becaus it is a computer, but it could replace my iPad as well. Perhaps the die hard apple enthusiasts will stay with the iPad, but there are plenty of people who will through loyalty off the roof in favor of a superior product. By this time next year, we wil find out, but I am looking forward to purchasing a Surface to see what it is capable of

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